Survivors of abuse may find it challenging to cope with the intense, often negative feelings that can plague them long after the abuse has ended, and their ability to find peace and happiness in life may be affected. We provide counseling services that will address each individual needs.
Financial Abuse accounts for up to one-half of all types of elder abuse in the United States, accounting for over 500,000 victims. Psychological abuse, deception, intimidation, and threats always accompanies financial exploitation. We provide assistance in acquiring legal services, including safe & secure technology for Financial Exploitation Prevention.
Domestic Violence occurs in every culture, country, and age group. It affects people from all socioeconomic, educational, and religious backgrounds and happens in both same-sex and heterosexual relationships. Our goal is stop intimate partner violence as well as teaching skills that promote respectful, nonviolent relationships and community. Creating protective environments and strengthening economic supports for families.
Elderly Abuse is significant problem in the United States; mistreatment against adults aged 60 or more are reported annually. The abuse can be intentional or unintentional harm, exploitation, or neglect of an older person by himself or herself, trusted individuals, acquaintances, or strangers in a domestic or institutionalized setting. We provide assistance in combating and preventing abuse such as awareness, brain health, care-giving, economics and resources.
Education and Job Training are essential tools needed to a life of independence. We provide assistance in matching people with jobs, and empowering individuals by providing them with skills and resources necessary to improving one's capability, capacity, productivity and performance.